Mrs. Webb's Kinders

Welcome to the world of kindergarten at NES! Take a look at what is happening in room 34B...

Saturday, December 30, 2006

"THIS is Evergreen Happy!" And... these are the happy kinders that created the evergreen arrangements!

One very mild day in December, we walked to NHS to visit Mrs. Ashworth and her students who had collected evergreens of all sizes and textures for the kinders to use to create a special gift for their families. Even Mr. Warner, the NHS principal came out to help!
Josiah and David worked at creating their designs with their high school buddies...
Jenny and Login also had some help putting their greens together...
Michael and Ben are happy with their little pots of greens...
Thanks to Mrs. Ashworth, Charlie's mom, we were invited to the NHS greenhouse for a chance to arrange evergreens of all kinds. Some were prickly, others were soft...
Shannon and her dad work together to get the perfect balance...
Jack and Ashley look pleased with their creations.

Friday, December 29, 2006

The Rollicking Reindeer Review!!!

"One day in late December, we invited our families and friends to attend a special performance...Many little "reindeer" gathered together to sing about...Auntie Flo...
and, all that underwear!

It was exciting,AND scary to be up on that stage!

All the "reindeer" prepare to perform "Must Be Santa!"
Let's all sing..."Head, Antlers, Hooves, and Tail."